Nurturing young people to reach their full potential under Christ.

Crystal Growing Competition 2017

RACI ACT Crystal Growing Competition 2017

During Term 2, several high school students spent many lunch hours patiently growing Alum crystals, for the Crystal Growing Competition organized by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), and the Faculty of Applied Science (UC).

The awards giving ceremony at the University of Canberra, began with fascinating demonstrations using liquid nitrogen. Our students gave some great answers and asked some intriguing questions which led to Year 7 student James being invited to find out the effects of liquid nitrogen himself! Trophies were presented by Professor Ashraf Ghanem for excellent crystals in each year level. Congratulations to our students: Matthew (Yr 8), Olivia (Yr 7), Tim (Yr 7), James  (Yr 6) and Lachlan (Yr 5).

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